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    Bitcoin (BTC) and the Legitimacy Crisis of Money

    Bitcoin has been around for almost a decade, but digital currency is still viewed by many as a fringe investment or an opportunity for...

    What is Blockchain Technology?

    Think of living in a society where you can send out money to someone without the use of a bank in seconds as opposed...

      Can You Buy A Car With Cryptocurrency?

    Buying a car will become difficult, and there are multiple ways to charge before your next trip. You can purchase your vehicle outright, rent...

    6 Best Cars You Can Buy With Only One Cryptocurrency.

    After pedaling the Bitcoin(BTC) flood for a while, you're willing to chip out and get on with your vast profits. Purchasing a new car...

    Top 6 Cars You Can Buy With 10 Ethereum (ETH)

    Have you heard the story about the woman who exchanged 10 Ethereum(ETH) for a new vehicle? If you've not, you've arrived at the right....

    Is Cryptocurrency A Better Option Than Real Money?

    Cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity, particularly in recent years—the use of virtual currency as an innovative means of the monetary system and a unit...

    Adaptive Market Hypothesis and Evolving Predictability of Bitcoin

    When you try to predict the future of Bitcoin, you're probably thinking about how much it'll be worth or whether it will replace fiat...

    Is it possible to use blockchain without cryptocurrency?

    Blockchain is increasingly entering our lives. You are wrong if you think the technology is only for bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Blockchain is a technology...

    Buffets Finance Review- For Traders Who Want Seamless Access to Financial Markets

    The financial markets can be tricky and as a retail trader, finding a broker that would let you access these markets smoothly can be...

    How has the growth of the digital yuan impacted the food sector of Denmark?

    The recent launch of the digital yuan in China has had a significant impact on the food sector in Denmark. Furthermore, here are the...

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