
    Fortnite Candy – How to Throw candy from a vehicle

    During Fortnitemares, Fortnite Candy was added back to the loot pool on the island. “Trick or treat” is not an option that players can choose. Still, Candy can be eaten to improve your game stats temporarily. There are six different kinds of Candy, and each one does something different when eaten.

    Fortnite Candy - How to Throw candy from a vehicle

    For example, Chrome Punk sells Zero Point Pretzels that can be eaten to get the Zero Point Effect. With this, players can dash through the air to boost their speed.

    Players will get 15,000 XP if they throw Candy from a moving vehicle. Here’s how to get the job done.

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    A step-by-step guide on how to throw Candy from a vehicle in Fortnite.

    1) Get or find Candy

    You can get different kinds of Candy in two ways. The first way is free and involves looking for or breaking pumpkins. They are easy to find and can be found in most places on the island. This challenge is a good one to try at Rocky Reels.

    The second way requires a bit of gold and some leg work. Candy can be bought from Fortnitemare NPCs like Chrome Punk and Curdle Scream Leader. They can be found and talked to buy some.

    2) Look for any car.

    The challenge’s next step is finding a vehicle once Candy has been found. Players can choose from four different kinds of cars. Since driving around isn’t part of the challenge, even the slow Mud Flap truck will do.

    There are vehicles all over the island, but those trying the challenge at Rocky Reels will find a few nearby. Even though the area isn’t safe in some matches, players will be able to take over a vehicle from here easily.

    3) Get in the car and move to the front passenger seat.

    Once a vehicle has been found, ensure the area is safe so you don’t get shot or caught in a trap. Building a wall or driving the car into a corner is best. If enemies do attack, your chances of staying alive will be higher.

    If there’s a gunfight nearby, it’s best to drive away with the car and leave the POI after getting Candy. It doesn’t help to take chances and get shot at. Once a safe place has been found, the challenge has to be done.

    4) Choose a Candy from what you have, aim, and throw it.

    Choose Candy from the list of things you have and aim to throw it outside the vehicle. Don’t throw it too far away because if it lands on a slope, it will slide down and may end up in the water.

    Once the throw’s direction and distance are known, throw Candyandy out to finish the challenge. Depending on what kindCandyandy was used for the challenge, it may be best to pick it up after throwing it (especially if it was paid for using gold).

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