
    Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Features Explained




    Chapter 3 of Season 4 of the game Fortnite will come out in September. Epic Games has already said that Season 3 will end on September 17, so we know that Season 4 will come out the next day.

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    There aren’t any major leaks from reliable sources about the following season. But we already know a lot about what will be happened.

    Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Features Explained

    This article will look at a few possible themes for Chapter 3 of Season 4 of Fortnite. Whether or not Epic and Marvel decide to work together again will be a significant factor.


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    Chapter 3 of Season 4 of Fortnite could have another big Marvel project

    Epic Games plans to add another Wolverine skin to Fortnite Battle Royale in August 2022. Sign up for Fortnite Crew, a service that will end in September, and let you get it.

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    Chapter 2: The Wolverine outfit came out for the first time in Season 4. Every cosmetic had a Marvel theme during that season, so players got a full Marvel Battle Pass. The same situation might happen in Fortnite Season 4, Chapter 3.

    Donald Mustard, in charge of creativity at Epic Games, has discussed plans for another big Marvel project. This time, M.O.D.O.K., instead of Galactus, will join the Fortnite island.

    Even before Chapter 2, Season 4 came out. It’s important to remember that the Marvel collaboration was Fortnite Battle Royale’s most successful one. It’s clear that many players like Marvel characters and superheroes, so adding them to Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 4 would make a lot of sense.

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    Themes from Fortnite’s Chapter 3 of Season 4

    If Epic Games doesn’t work with Marvel on another game, they could do one of two things. They could keep adding to the current storyline and release the Bloomwatcher next season, or they could go back to the original storyline after The Foundation.

    Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Features Explained

    The Bloomwatcher was seen in the trailer for Chapter 3, Season 3, and it is likely in charge of the Reality Tree and how it grows. Since the tree has grown so much, it may try to take over Zero Point. This could be the next season’s theme for Fortnite.

    Epic Games hasn’t said much about the Bloomwatcher, and no one knows what it wants to do. But it’s likely just another lousy guy trying to take over the world.

    Fortnite players could also go back to the story before The Seven. Right now, The Foundation and Jonesy are looking for Geno, another mysterious person who just came to light.

    Geno is the leader of the Imagined Order, so you can be sure that he will return to the game at some point. The Seven and the Imagined Order fought a full-scale war in Season 2, so Epic Games might decide to put off another fight between the two groups for a few more months.

    No matter what Season 4 of Fortnite Chapter 3 is about, Epic Games will make many changes to the maps and release a new Battle Pass. We can also look forward to getting another collaboration skin by completing challenges in the Battle Pass.

    Since the Reality Tree spreads across the island, the map could change a lot before the following season. It could also be necessary to the story and stay in the game for the whole chapter.

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