Fortnite: Chica skin now available; how to get it


The Chica skin, the Puerto Rican content creator, has arrived in the Fortnite store. We tell you how to get Chica, from the Idol Series.

Fortnite: Chica skin now available; how to get it
Fortnite: Chica skin now available; how to get it

Chica, the Puerto Rican and Canada-based content creator, has received her Idol Series skin in Fortnite Battle Royale. In this story, we tell how to get Chica in Fortnite. Just below we tell you everything about this new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 skin:

Video: How to get the Chica skin for free

How to get Girl in Fortnite?

How to get Girl in Fortnite?

The Chica skin and its accessories are items from the Fortnite Battle Royale store that must be purchased with paVos, the virtual currency of the game. At the time we write this news, the exchange rate is 1,000 pairs for €7.99. These new Fortnite cosmetics first hit the store on May 8, 2022:

Girl is a skin from the Fortnite store

Just below we leave you a list with all Girl objects in Fortnite , and their prices in paVos:

All Girl items in Fortnite
  • Chica Lot (includes the Chica skin and its different styles, the Estrella de Chica backpacking accessory, the Aida Spear collection tool, and the El Baile del Pollito gesture): 1,800 V-Bucks
  • Chica Skin (includes the Scarlet Witch and Sorceress styles) + Chica Star backpacking accessory: 1,500 pairs
  • Aida spear collection tool: 800 pairs
  • Gesture Manipulation of El Baile del Pollito: 300 pairs
Video: How many points and percentage you need to get Fortnite Chica Skin

What is Fortnite skin? Which is the best?

As always when we publish news of this type, we must remind you how Fortnite skins work :

  • Fortnite skins, like the rest of the game’s accessories, are just aesthetic modifications That are, they only modify the appearance of our character in the game. Neither is “stronger” or “better” than the other, so to speak.
  • All Fortnite cosmetic items (skins, backpacks, pickaxes…) can be used without problems in all game modes: Battle Royale, Creative and Save the World.
  • All these objects may return to the store in the future, although nobody knows exactly when, unless Epic Games itself announces it, or unless the store sections are leaked a couple of hours before the daily update.

Do not miss our complete guide to Season 2 of Fortnite Chapter 3; In it, we tell you how to get Doctor Strange and Marauder, two other Marvel characters who joined the roster of controllable avatars in the Epic Games video game.

Sources: Epic Games , Fortnite Battle Royale, own elaboration