Free Kashmir poster spotted in Mumbai during the JNU protest at Gateway of India, Mumbai. Thousands of students from Indian universities were protesting in the solidarity of Jawaharlal Nehru University ‘JNU’ (A Public university in New Delhi, India). During the protest, a girl was spotted with a poster of ‘Free Kashmir’. Watch the video, below.
On January 5, 2020, Students from JNU were attacked by Masked ABVP terrorists inside the university campus. The ABVP terror attack on the University students sparked countrywide protests and thousands of the students from dozens of Indian universities came out on the road, protesting against Narendra Modi and his government.
Students were chanting Slogans ‘Azadi, Azadi’ (Freedom) and calling Indian security agencies ‘Terrorists’. Meanwhile, a girl carrying ‘Free Kashmir poster’ sparked anger among extremist Hindus and anti-protest lobbies. Watch the reactions of Extremist Hindu Groups on ‘Free Kashmir poster’, below.