Gabbie Hanna allegedly harassed and sent her fans to harass YouTuber HelloLeesh


Gabbie Hanna faces backlash after allegations of Harassment, made against her by a YouTuber HelloLeesh. The YouTuber shared the private messages of Gabbie Hanna to her in which Gabbie can be seen threatening the YouTuber.

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Gabbie Hanna faces backlash after allegations of Harassment made against her by a YouTuber HelloLeesh. The YouTuber shared the private messages of Gabbie Hanna to her in which Gabbie can be seen threatening the YouTuber

Gabbie Hanna allegedly harassed and sent her fans to harass YouTuber HelloLeesh, who shared DMs (Direct Messages of Gabbie Hanna to her on Twitter) where Gabbie says “ok let’s have this war.” Interactions between the YouTuber and Gabbie Hanna happened in June 2020.

HelloLeesh also shared a live stream she did with her Patrons at the time discussing the situation. Watch the video of HelloLeesh telling details of Gabbie Hannah’s situation with her, below.

Video: Gabbie Hanna harassed YouTuber

HelloLeesh is a small YouTuber with fewer than 41 thousand Subscribers on YouTube.