Iran Places Millions dollars Bounty On Trump After Soleimani’s Killing

Iran puts an $80million BOUNTY on Trump's head, threatens to attack the White House and announces they will no longer abide by the 2015 nuclear deal.
Image: Daily mail

After the assassination of General Qasim Suleimani in a U.S. missile attack at Baghdad Airport, Iran puts an $80million BOUNTY on Trump’s head, threatens to attack the White House and announces they will no longer abide by the 2015 nuclear deal.
Video: Iran puts an $80million BOUNTY on Trump’s head, threatens to attack the White House and announces they will no longer abide by the 2015 nuclear deal.

“We have the power, and God willing we will respond in an appropriate time, says Iran.”

In response to Irani General Qasim Soleimani’s assassination, an $80 million bounty has been placed on Donald Trump’s head in Iran.

Many US citizens making funny statements after Iran Placed Bounty on Trump. Watch some funny statements shared on social media, below.
Iran just put up an $80 million dollar bounty on Trump’s head. I say we ship him over there and let him fight his own battles.

Official state broadcasters during the televised funeral stated that one US dollar will be tabled for every Iranian in the country, the cash prize will go to anyone whoever killed the US President.

“Iran has 80 million inhabitants. Based on the Iranian population, we want to raise $80million (£61million) which is a reward for those who get close to the head of President Trump,” it was announced.

Iran swore to take revenge at the heart of the US after Iran’s force general was killed by a Reaper drone on Friday at Baghdad airport.

This attack turned the long-running conflicts between Tehran and Washington and raised the spectrum to a wider conflict in the Middle East.

Iranian MP AbolfazlAboutorabi threatened to attack the heart of American politics.

“We can attack the White House itself, we can respond to them on the American soil’’, he said according to the Iranian Labour News Agency.

“We have the power, and God willing we will respond in an appropriate time.”

Iran said in the response of Gen Suleimani’s assassination by the United States.

“When someone declares war, do you want to respond to the bullets with flowers? They will shoot you in the head.” he continued.

During an open session of parliament in Iran, President Trump was labeled a ‘terrorist in a suit’ after he threatened to attack 52 different Iranian sites if Iran attacks America or U.S. assets.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei promised to seek revenge for Qasem’s death.
U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that if there were any more attacks by Iranis, U.S. will respond with strikes against decision-makers, who are orchestrating these attacks.

“The intelligence assessment made clear that no action – allowing Soleimani to continue his plotting and his planning, his terror campaign – created more risk than taking the action that we took last week,” Pompeo said. Source:
