Samsung launches Smart Things Home Life, a refreshed experience for home and family


Through Smart Things, the Korean company launches a more holistic experience for the home and thus properly manage all connected smart devices.

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Samsung Smart Things Home Life, a new experience for home and family

Already at the beginning of the year, Samsung launched Home Hub so that today it will take its moment to present SmartThings Home Life, a new space for home and family so that all connected smart devices can be managed. Six integrated services through the SmartThings Android app that we will soon have available.


SmartThings Home Life as a hub for the home

SmartThings Home Life is a novelty for the Smart Things app that allows you to control and centralize everything in the home from the same space. There are actually six Smart Things services:  Smart Things Cooking, Energy, Clothing Care, Pet Care, Air Care and Home Care.

One for the kitchen, another for energy , one for the care of the pets that we have at home, the clothes, one for the air and the other for the home. Six services each with its own screen so that you can control every detail of those devices that are connected.

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This is photo of Smart Things Home Life

Samsung with its 270 global partners allows the integration of thousands of devices that through these six services can be perfectly controlled from the Smart Things app on our mobile, or in those other products such as their televisions.

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Smart Things for cooking, energy and clothing

The first of them is Smart Things Cooking, which allows you to search for cooking recipes and recommendations for preserving food, or even manage your shopping list.

This is photo of BESPOKE Shoe Dresser that is Smart Thing in your Home

Whisk ‘s artificial intelligence comes into play for special recommendations for recipes to use based on the user’s tastes, or the foods they have at home. This service connects directly with smart devices related to the kitchen.

On the other hand we have Smart Things Energy, which is responsible for providing all the necessary information on the energy consumed in the home . You will be able to activate the energy saving mode in the connected devices to save electricity costs.

This is photo of Samrt Things In Your Home

Bespoke artificial intelligence for the washer and dryer will be included soon, so you have full control over these types of devices at home. In fact, it is linked with Smart Things Clothing Care for clothing care by connecting with Bespoke AirDresser and ShoeDresser.

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Pet care, air and home

Smart Things Pet Care will take care of  playing music or TV series when you are not home to keep your pets entertained at home. You can use the camera to keep an eye on them at all times.

This is  photo of BeSpoke Purifier

On the other hand, SmartThings Air Care has to do with everything that is air quality thanks to the purifiers that are connected to the system. Finally, SmartThings Home Care is in charge of sending notifications, alerts and providing all the information of every connected device in the home.

In short, a renewed Smart Things so that from a Samsung Galaxy phone you can control those dozens of devices connected to the home so that it is easier than ever to manage them.