After their boat sinks during a storm, Jennifer Remming washes ashore a small, tropical island and then finds her friend Brad, who dies from his wounds shortly after. While exploring the island, Jenn discovers the belongings and graves of a family that once lived there. She later buries Brad’s corpse in the sand, but discovers the grave uncovered and a trail of blood leading to the ocean the following morning.
Movie Name: Sweetheart
Short Story of The Movie “Sweetheart”
Jennifer was washed up to the shore, she screams but there is no one, this is a stranded island.
There, she tried to save her injured friend
Brad. Jenn tries to find some water for Brad, but
he dies before she comes back.
She wanders deeper into the jungle and discovers
a cooler box, a backpack, a few coke, matches and some other belongings.
There are a few things that she could use,
that night Jennifer sleeps under a big leaf with pouring rain on her head.
The next day, Jenn discovered the head of
a small shark just off the shore, it looked
like it had been torn apart by something bigger.
She sees Brad’s body start to rot, so Jenn
digs a hole and buries him. Jenn sees something floating in the middle
of the sea.
She swims to it and it was her package, Jennifer
dives down to see if there is anything else,
but she discovers a hole on the ocean floor. This pit looks deep and gives a chilling feeling.
The next day, she’s terrified to see that
his body was dug up by some animal, it waseven torn in half.
She thinks it must be some wild animal, Jennifer
makes a spear to defend herself.
That night, she suddenly saw an airplane in
the sky. Despite her attempts to fire flares and scream for help, she failed to get the plane’s attention.
However, the light from the cannon made Jenn
notice a shadow standing on the water. Too scared, she quickly picks up her spear
and hides inside a tree trunk.
She closes her eyes and waits for it to go. She was safe until morning came.
The next day, she tries to leave by making
a lifebuoy from her suitcase, but fails.
That night she has no other choice but to
sleep inside a tree trunk, when the monster comes and it seems to sense her presence.
The monster screams and smashes the tree trunk, Jenn stays inside and she’s shaking. The next morning she saw her camp was destroyed.
To observe the monster better, she catches
a small shark and hangs it on a tree. She hides in a hole to watch, but she accidently
falls asleep. The shark disappeared.
Jennifer discovered the body of Zack, another
friend of hers on the shipwreck. Only the top half of him remains.
Using Zack’s corpse as bait, that night Jenn
saw the shape of the fierce monster for the first time. It scared her terribly. She tries to keep her composure, but she barely
hides her terrifying shock.
The next day, Jenn makes a hammock and believes that sleeping on a high place will keep her safe.
But a few lightning exposes Jenn’s position
to the monster, she holds her spear and tries not to move. The monster attacks the tree and causes her to fall.
She tries her best to run but the monster
catches up with her. She stabs it with a spear, the monster gets angry and slaps her away.
Jenn thinks she’s gonna die but a lot of lightning saves her, turns out the monster is afraid of the light. She was safe but hurt her knee badly.
The next morning, she sees a raft floating
on the sea, she swims to it and it turns out to be her boyfriend Lucas and her best friend
Mia. Jenn tears up in happiness.
They come back to the island, drink coke and
eat fish. She tells them there is a monster near this island and they should leave immediately.
They are both skeptical and don’t even seem
to mind at all. Jenn found Lucas’s knife with blood on it.
She suspects that Zack was actually killed
by Lucas and Mia, but she doesn’t have time for this. Jenn decides that she will leave on her own
with their raft.
But when Lucas and Mia see her doing that,
they stop her. Three of them argue and Mia slaps Jenn in her head with a paddle.
Jenn wakes up when it’s already night time,
she is worried about the monster, she asks Brad to untie her but he refuses.
When she asks Lucas about Zack, suddenly they
hear Mia scream. Lucas rushes to Mia with a torch on his hand, he smashes it on the back of the monster.
The monster slaps Lucas away and jumps on
the sea, dragging Mia with it while Lucas tries to crawl to her.
The next morning, Jenn asks Lucas to get down
from the tree that he’s been on all night. They decided to leave the island together
on a life raft with all the supplies they had.
She turned to look at the grave of the family
that once lived on the island one last time
before leaving this dangerous place. Jenn and Lucas sail at sea on their journey
to find their way home.
However, just a little way off the shore,
they encountered the ferocious monster. It jabbed the raft off balance, Lucas takes
the flare gun and shoots it.
This makes the monster go away, but the water
gradually overflows the life raft, drenching the two of them.
They both think the monster has left, but
Jenn suddenly gets dragged down by the monster. While on the verge of death, she suddenly remembered Lucas’s knife.
She took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed
the monster in the stomach. It hurt and let go of her.
However, soon after, it turned to attack Lucas,
with no protective gear, Lucas was quickly dragged to the cave with the monster.
Jenn desperately watched her ill-fated boyfriend
go to the dead without being able to do anything. She drifted ashore once more.
However, this time, she was alone with no
hope at all. Her friends and lovers were all torn apart by that fierce monster.
Jennifer did not intend to run away anymore,
she decided to face her biggest enemy, the monster. Before the final battle, She wrote all of
her experiences on this deserted island in a diary, from the little things to the biggest.
She hopes her diary can help someone when
unfortunately stranded on this deserted island as she survived from discovering the things
of a family that used to live here.
Jennifer starts to prepare the weapons to
defeat the monster with a lot of sharp sticks. She uses a bone of her deceased friend Brad
to make a strong spear.
She puts a lot of hay in a circle and puts
a bunch of fishes in the middle of the circle. That night, when the monster gets in the circle
to the fish, she lights up the circle.
The monster panics because of the fire, Jenn
quickly runs at it and stabs it with the bone spear, it slaps her and the spear slips out
of her hand. She crawls between its legs and tries to grab the spear again but the monster catches her.
It holds Jennifer’s head in its hand, She pulls
out her knife and continuously stabs it with the knife making it have to drop her.
She smashes the monster in the head with the
bone, then she runs back to the shore to take her wood spear.
She’s ready to fight the monster again. But it staggers and falls down after screaming.
She stabs it one more time to make sure. Jennifer walks away as the burning is spreading
around the island.
And here is when the movie ends.
Where To Watch Movie “Sweetheart” for Free
You can watch The complete “Sweetheart” movie on Movie Box app for free and here is the link to the movie.