Video – Tayyip Erdogan Kisses Imran Khan at UNGA

Video: Tayyeb Erdogan Kisses Imran Khan at UNGA

A video became viral on social media in which Turk president Tayyip Erdogan (Tayyeb Erdogan) kisses Imran Khan at United Nations General Assembly hall after the speech of Imran Khan.
Video: Tayyip Erdogan Kissing Imran Khan at United Nations General Assembly.

Prime Minister Imran Khan made a remarkable speech in United nations General Assembly yesterday on Spetember 27, 2019. While highlighting the Kashmir issue, Pm Imran Khan also highlighted the issue of Islamophobia which is redicalising the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. The speech of Imran Khan was cheered around the globe, specially in the Muslim world.

After finishing the speech, when Khan arrived back to his seat, Turk president Tayyip Erdogan stood up, hugged Khan and kissed on his forehead for showing his love and inspiration. The video of Tayyeb Erdogan Kisses Imran Khan became viral all over social media and people are cheering the sweet act of Turk president. We will Fight Till the End, Imran Khan says at UNGA.

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