
    10 Tips for Creating an Engaging Video
    Marketing Strategy

    Video marketing Strategy

    Regardless of how you distribute your videos, there are several things you need to plan before you begin creating content. Ensure your target demographic can see and engage with your content the most. One of the most popular content distribution platforms, Facebook, allows you to target your audience by age, location, language, gender, interests, and more. By targeting your video audience by these factors, you can increase the chances of success significantly.

    Plan your video’s distribution

    When creating an engaging video marketing strategy, you should plan the distribution of your video. Earned video distribution occurs when another entity shares your video with its own audience. These channels may include news sources, influencers, and more. Earned video distribution is equivalent to word-of-mouth marketing, as people share the content they enjoy with friends and followers.

    Distributing your video via earned media helps attract new viewers and boost your responses. After deciding on a topic for your video, you must identify your ideal customer. Identify your ideal customer by knowing their demographics, psychographics, interests, and opinions. Make sure to determine their preferences and habits to make the most effective video for them. Remember that
    the goal of your video is to increase sales. In this case, your product should address a problem the viewer is likely to face, and your target audience should be interested in finding a solution.

    Establish your goals

    There are several steps to follow when creating an effective video marketing strategy. One of them is to first decide on the target audience. Creating quality content is a difficult task without an idea of the people you’re targeting. After all, investing time and money into creating a great video is meaningless unless it leads to new sales and loyal customers. Creating a customer persona is a great way to identify your target audience.


    In addition to establishing goals, you should also measure the success of your videos. Typically, videos will be visible for a long time on the web, so you should determine how long you’d like them to stay online. You can measure success by knowing how many people watch your videos. To set realistic expectations, you should use SMART acronyms. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-related. You can also ask your audience for their input. Once you’ve created a buyer persona, you should update it to include video research. It is crucial to know your target audience so you can tailor your videos to meet their needs. Besides creating a buyer persona, connecting with your stakeholders is also important. Most videos involve many different players. To gather their feedback, you can also use a questionnaire where respondents can answer the same questions. This way, you’ll have all the responses in one place.

    Create a call-to-action

    A CTA, or call to action, is essential to your video marketing strategy. The section of your video encourages viewers to take the next step. Whether it is downloading an ebook, signing up for an email list, or visiting your website, a CTA can be the difference between an ordinary viewer and an enthralled customer. If done correctly, your CTA can help increase your conversion rate.

    To make a CTA effective, content creators must make it as obvious as possible. They shouldn’t hide the CTA in the video’s “about” language or in a dark, busy background. In addition, a CTA shouldn’t be so small that it distracts from the video’s content. Instead, it should be clearly visible and clickable. A white box behind the text or an arrow pointing to the CTA are two effective ways to create contrast and a clear CTA. These small tweaks will strengthen the overall message of your video.

    The CTA is a crucial part of your video marketing strategy. After watching your video, it tells your audience what they need to do next. By putting a CTA button in your video, you’ll see a marked increase in conversions. The call-to-action button in your video will help you flirt with your audience and make them more likely to complete the purchase or sign up for your newsletter.

    Plan your budget

    Creating an engaging video marketing strategy requires planning your budget. Although it’s easy to create content, video marketing is expensive. If you want to attract attention, you should invest in professional-looking videos.

    Consider investing in brand videos or behind-the-scenes videos. However, you should keep in mind that your competitors may have already started creating their own videos. As a result, planning your budget early can save you money and frustration.

    Regardless of the type of video you are creating, it’s important to plan your budget before you start filming. Creating videos for your business is the perfect way to increase brand awareness, sell event tickets, or launch a new product. Before you start filming, make sure you plan your budget and timeline. Although video requires fewer resources than film, the process is still expensive and time-consuming. However, your marketing efforts can be time-saving and cost-effective with the right project management and planning.

    Research your target audience

    Before you begin creating video content, it’s important to do your research and figure out who your target audience is. Knowing your target demographic allows you to tailor your videos specifically for them, increasing their chances of engaging with and sharing them. You can target audiences by age, location, language, gender, and interests on popular platforms such as Facebook.

    One of the best ways to engage your target audience is to create content relevant to their interests. This could mean creating how-to videos, product reviews, or educational videos. Whatever type of content you create, make sure it is interesting and informative and that it speaks to your target audience.

    It’s also important to ensure that your videos are properly optimized for search engines. This means using keywords and phrases your target audience will likely search for. Optimizing your videos for SEO can increase the chances that they will be seen by those searching for them.

    Choose the right video platform

    There are a variety of video content distribution platforms available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to choose the one that is most likely to reach your target audience. For example, YouTube is great for reaching a large audience but may not be the best platform if you’re trying to target a specific demographic.

    Problem: You’ve created a great video but don’t know how to get it in front of the right people.

    Solution: We recommend starting with the two most popular platforms: YouTube and Facebook

    Determine the best length for your video

    The length of your video is an important factor to consider. Videos that are too long can lose the attention of your viewers, while videos that are too short might not provide enough information. The sweet spot for most videos is around two minutes long. However, if you have a specific message you want to get across, you can go up to five minutes.

    Make sure your video is HD quality. A poorly produced video will reflect badly on your brand and turn viewers away. Invest in good quality equipment and editing software to produce high-quality videos.

    Optimize your videos for search engines

    Just like with any other type of content, optimizing your videos for search engines is important. Use keywords and phrases in your title and description that are likely to be searched for by your target audience. This will help ensure that your videos appear in search results and are more likely to be watched by those who are interested in your content.

     Optimizing your videos for search engines will help people find them more easily. You can do this by including keywords in the title and description of your video and in the tags you use. You can also embed your videos on your website and blog and share them on social media.

    Another tip for creating engaging video content is to make sure your videos are entertaining and informative. People are more likely to watch and share videos that they find interesting and useful. You can also use calls to action in your videos to encourage viewers to take the desired action, such as subscribing to your channel or visiting your website.

    Create compelling thumbnails and titles

    A well-crafted thumbnail and title can be the difference between someone clicking on your video and passing it by. The thumbnail is the first thing people see, so it’s important to make sure it catches their attention and accurately represents the content of your video. 

    Creating compelling thumbnails and titles for your videos is essential for enticing people to click and watch. A great thumbnail will capture the viewer’s attention and make them want to learn more about the video. 

    When creating your videos, make sure to keep your target audience in mind. What are they interested in? What would they like to see? Understanding your audience can create content that appeals to them and keeps them engaged.

    Using an online video editing tool is the best option. Here would be my suggested tools from VEED:

    GIF Compressor

    Video Editor

    Mp4 Compressor

    Use analytics to measure success

    analytics is important to measure the success of your video marketing strategy. You need to look at factors such as viewership, shares, and engagement in order to determine whether or not your videos are resonating with your audience. If you see that your viewership is low, consider changing up your content or targeting a different audience.  Shares and engagement are also important metrics to pay attention to. If people are sharing your videos, it means they’re finding your content valuable. And if people comment on and like your videos, they’re engaged with your brand.

    Once you’ve started distributing your videos, tracking their performance is important. Most video platforms have built-in analytics that helps you understand how your videos perform. Look at factors such as views, likes, shares, and comments to get an idea of how successful your videos are. You can also use analytics to track changes in your audience over time and adjust your strategy accordingly.


    Now that you understand the basics of video marketing and how to target your audience, it’s time to start creating content. Planning is essential for success, so begin by brainstorming topics relevant to your target demographic. Once you have a list of topics, outline a script and storyboard for each video. This will help ensure your videos are cohesive and engaging. When it comes to shooting your videos, be sure to use high-quality equipment and lighting. This will give your videos a professional look and feel that is more likely to engage viewers.