    HomeGamingEpic Games Lawsuits Finally settled - Get your 1000 free v-Bucks

    Epic Games Lawsuits Finally settled – Get your 1000 free v-Bucks

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    When they opened the game on July 21, a lot of Fortnite players got a nice surprise. In addition to the big update that added the new summer event, some players got a lot of free V-Bucks, which is the game’s premium currency.

    Over the past few years, Epic Games has made a lot of changes to Fortnite. Save the World has also changed a lot, and not just with the Battle Royale mode. Some of the changes have hurt the developer, which is unfortunate.

    Epic Games Lawsuits Finally settled - Get your 1000 free v-Bucks

    A few years ago, Epic Games gave players in Fortnite: Save the World the chance to get Loot Llamas. There was no way to know what was in these loot boxes, so many players were disappointed by them.

    Epic Games had to give V-Bucks to all the people who bought Loot Llamas in the past because of a class action lawsuit. So, players get the money that is proportional to how much they bought before.

    If you got some V-Bucks and don’t know why to keep reading.

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    Players who bought Loot Llamas before April 26, 2021, will get Fortnite V-Bucks in return.

    At one point, a lot of people played Fortnite: Save the World, and a lot of them bought Loot Llamas. They let players get valuable items inside the game, like Legendary or Mythic heroes and weapons.

    Their contents were completely random, which made opening them like gambling. Most of these items could be bought with V-Bucks, a premium currency in the game. In Fortnite: Save the World, players could earn currency by playing the game, but most of them had to pay real money to get it.

    Early in 2019, Epic Games released “X-Ray Llamas,” which let players see what was inside a llama before they bought it. Even though the llama’s contents were still random, players knew what they were getting, so they could choose whether or not to buy it.

    Two years later, the game’s creator announced a class action settlement that would give everyone who bought the first Loot Llama 1,000 V-Bucks. This settlement was only meant for players in the United States, but Epic made it available to players everywhere.

    Players who bought Loot Llamas before April 26, 2021, will get Fortnite free V-Bucks in return.

    If you got the V-Bucks, it just means that you bought the Loot Llama in the past and took part in the class action lawsuit.

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    Can you still get V-Bucks after the class action lawsuit was settled?

    If you didn’t file a claim before April 26, 2021, you can’t get anything from the class action settlement. But you can try to get free v-Bucks in Fortnite.

    Please remember that the class action settlement only affected people who filed a claim. To see if you got any V-Bucks from the settlement, open the game, and a V-Bucks pop-up will appear. If you don’t get this message, you can’t do anything about it.

    Epic Games has given out free V-Bucks because of a class action settlement before, and it’s likely that they won’t be the last time.

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