The PS2 presentation screen was not random; it informed you about the game you were about to play.


One of the few things that screams 2000s is the PS2 home screen. A collection of long blocks, building skyscrapers, constructs futuristic grey cities of various sizes under the brand of Sony Computer Entertainment. 

It isn’t something that has kept us awake all these years; in fact, my mind had entirely purged the data, but I was shocked to hear that there was a direct link between those enigmatic towers and the game. 

After discussing the link between save files and the number of towers that appear on the first screen, user has revealed the true cause for seeing more or fewer blocks depending on the game.

In truth, we will see relatively few the first time we play, but as we continue to play, we will see more. which defines how many towers you’ve actually played. 


The file saved in the memory of the console that holds the account takes care of this, so you can wipe any type of information from the memory card and the blocks will still be there. As a result, growth was nearly unnoticeable unless you switched games. It became increasingly difficult to realise as it grew.