To Get famous on TikTok is a dream of thousands of people who are using TikTok application and sharing their own lip-sync videos with funny content or music. But day by day Tiktok is growing very fast. Millions of new users are joining in and getting famous on TikTok is getting hard. But it is not so hard if you have a pretty face, a good sense of dressing and the confidence to perform in the front of Public and audience. After that, By following the tips mentioned below you can easily get famous on TikTok and get more followers and likes on TikTok and even in any other media Industry.
In this article you will learn, how to get famous on tik tok fast, how to become tiktok famous overnight, how to become tik tok famous, how to get tiktok fans, how to get famous on tik tok hack, how to get tiktok famous without downloading apps.
I will explain all tips to get famous on TikTok below but First of all, get some introduction of TikTok which was once known as Music.ly a few years ago. Tiktok is an Android and IOS social media application in which users can publish short lip-sync, comedy or music videos. It was Launched in September 2017 by a Chinese company ByteDance or Beijing ByteDance Technology Co Ltd. Many of you are familiar with Music.ly. Tiktok is another name of Musically. Users can share 3 to 60 seconds short lip-sync or music videos in this application.
In 2018 TikTok application touched the peak of popularity and became the most downloaded application in the United States. In February 2019 Tiktok together with Douyin (a version of TikTok for Chinese market launched in September 2016) hit one billion downloads globally. These numbers are excluded from Android installs in China.
How to Get Famous on TikTok
Now we will move to the main point “how to get famous on TikTok”.
There are millions of people who are using TikTok for getting famous, many of them are behind the money along with the fame. And there are a lot of people who are cashing their fame with the help of TikTok. Unlike YouTube video monetization, People can’t make money directly on TikTok because TikTok doesn’t provide its users to monetize their videos. But fame brings money. If you have tons of followers and millions of viewers on TikTok You can promote your own brand, or You can contact Brands to promote them and get healthy cash. Even brands will contact you and will pay you to promote their products.
Here are the Tips to Get Famous on TikTok.
Chose an interesting Topic or niche.
Keep sharing videos regularly.
Be confident in Lips-sync videos.
Go Live at least twice a week.
Promote Your TikTok video link on other social media platforms.
Collaborate with a female friend or partner.
Follow other TikTok users.
Follow Trends.
Share more quality content.
Use hashTags according to your video topic.
Share Your TikTok video’s link to other social media networks.
Join with your friend and make videos together.
Some unconventional Tips to Get more views on TikTok.
Here are some unconventional but effective tips to get famous on TikTok within days.
Create a controversy. For example, a few days ago A female TikTok user in Pakistan posted some photos with an old man. And wrote, “A 20-year-old girl married with a 60 years old man“. She posted just a single selfie with her an old fan.
But pictures have gone viral on Facebook and Twitter. Millions of people shared her that selfie with funny memes. A ton of audience rushed to the TikTok to watch more about her. I hope you got my point that “How you can get famous on TikTok within few days”.
Get fame on other social media networks and drive your fans from there towards TikTok. There are many examples of people who became famous on Facebook and YouTube then diverted their fans towards their TikTok account same this little boy.
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Another unconventional Tip to get famous on TikTok is to use your footprints. I mean follow TikTok accounts every day as much possible. The person you are following can give you a follow back. No problem you can unfollow them later. Replying to every comment on your videos can also help to create better engagements. Most of social media Algorithms prefer engagements on your content.
Following the Trends of social media.
Follow the trends on social media and make videos on TikTok according to those trends. For example, a new or even old song is going viral all over social media. You should make videos with the music of that song. It can be any funny meme or a movie dialogue also which is trending on Twitter or Facebook. Making videos according and sharing them on Tiktok will bring you more views and followers.
Keep sharing more and more content. But remember that quality should be prior over quantity. Social media platforms don’t have limits of content you can post. So keep posting. More content means more chances to get famous. Be confident and keep doing it. A shy person can’t perform well in this type of platforms. The public will judge instantly that you are lacking in the performance. Better is the performance and more you will get famous on TikTok.
You can see more tricks to get famous on TikTok in 2019 here in the video below.
TikTok Money Calculator
Are you famous on TikTok? Do you make money on this social platform? If you do then you can calculate your estimated TikTok money by using this awesome money Calculator. Follow the link below.
TikTok does not share its ad revenue like YouTube or Google. But there is news that soon TikTok is also going to launch revenue sharing programs for famous TikTok users. But there are still ways to earn money on TikTok. I will explain those ways in my next blog. But using the above money calculator, you can get an estimate of how much money you can make on TikTok. This is the best and most simple TikTok money calculator available on the web.