We are With Kashmir and This is Our Jihad – Imran Khan at ISB Airport


Prime minister Imran Khan returned back from his remarkable visit of the United States where he highlighted the Kashmir issue successfully. On his arrival at Islamabad AirPort a large number of Pakistanis gathered to welcome their bold prime minister. In the mean time Imran Khan delivered a short speech with the audience. Khand said ” We are with Kashmir and this is our Jihad “. Watch the video below.

Video: Imran Khan’s Speech at Islamabad Air Port, September 29, 2019.

If war has been imposed on us, we will fight till the end.

Imran Khan says at UNGA

“I am thankful to you all for all your prayers and specifically thankful to Bushra Bebi who kept praying for me” Imran Khan said during his speech at Islamabad Airport with a crowd of thousands. He also addes that nation shouldn’t worry from difficult times.

Time goes up and down but if we Pakistani will become worry, than who will look after Kashmiri people. People of Kashmir are looking towards us. Imran Khan said ” I had promised to be an ambassador of Kashmir, so I will stand with them and this is our Jihad”.

Khan further added that he will expose Narendra Modi and fashict face of his government in front of the whole world and he will highlight the Kashmir issue at each and every forum.
