Saudi Arabia intercepted Two Missiles Fired on Mecca and Jedah


On monday, Saudi Arabia intercepted two missiles fired by Houthi Fighters on the holy city of Mecca amd Jedah. Saudi national Tv Al Arabiya Reported. Here is The Video Of Saudi Air Defence Intercepting Two missiles Houthi Rebels fired upon Saudi Cities

Video of Missiles interception. Watch Complete after introduction.

Eyes witnessed told to Al Arabiya news that Saudi defence forces intercepted Yemeni’s Missiles ( Fired by Iranian supported Houthi Rebels ) over the city of Taif And Jedah.

Saudi Arabia intercepted two missiles fired by Houthi Rebels over the city of Mecca and Jedah
Saudi Arabia Intercepts 2 Houthi misiles on Monday.

Tension Between Saudi Arabia and Iran is high since Alleged attack on Saudi oil Tankers in Persian Gulf Past week. Saudi Arabia is already fighting a biggest war of its history against Houthi Rebels since several years.

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Taimur Malik is a content creator / Blogger, creating content for multiple blogs, websites and News portals since 2014. The stories published by Malik are based on thorough research and reliable sources.