Gujrat: A video became viral on social media in which an alleged BJP leader Ajay Rajput forcibly kissing a Dalit School Teacher inside his office in Tapi district, Gujrat, India. The BJP leader Ajay Rajput was the director of an NGO “Navnirman Trust“. Pro-claimed BJP leader Ajay Rajput’s leaked video made highlights on social media. Watch the leaked video of Ajay Rajput forcibly kissing the female teacher, below.
According to details, this tribal girl was working at his office in Tapi district as a computer teacher. The leaked video of BJP Leader Ajay Rajput shows that he is forcibly kissing the girl and forcing her to kiss him back. Some other woman was also present in the office who captured the video on her phone. The video maker girl was later identified as Mariam Gamit, another employ in the NGO. Also, Watch Indian Girl Abusing Indian Army on the streets of Pune.
After the video becoming viral, Gujrat Police arrested Ajay Rajput for molesting Dalit School Teacher. Police has also arrested Mariam Gamit for capturing the video of Ajay Rajput molesting School Teacher.
After Tapi Molestation case became viral on Social media and Electronic media as well, the tribal people of Tapi District came out on the streets and called a “shutter down strike” in the city. After the pressure from Public, The BJP’s president of Tapi District “Bipinbhai Chaudhary” came forward and disowned Ajay Rajput as his party member. He denied of every relation of accused with his party.
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Social media Reasonse on BJP Leader Ajay Rajput’s leaked video and more facts about this Scandal
Digging into more details, we found that the incident happened in May, 2015 and all legal actions took place soon related to the Tapi Molestation case. But social media wakeup once again and started sharing the same video with new tittles during past couple of months.
Things goes viral on Twitter very fast using hashtags and trends. Beside this fact, social media is not limited to the borders. Following the flow, video came by some Pakistani social media user, who was able to download it and post with a new title accusing Pakistani education officials.
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The fake post started flowing in this week and touched the peak on October 14 and October 15 of 2019, with a title “condition of educational institutes in Sindh where female teachers are getting molsted by education ministers/school directors etc“. See the examples of this irresponsible attitude below.
Mehwish Hayat’s Vulgar Dance Video and Social Media’s Reaction.
There were hundreds of Pakistani Twitter users who were posting the “BJP leader Ajay Rajput leaked video” labelling it as a leaked video of Pakistani politician.
In the population of more than 200 million, millions are affiliated with each different political party. Unfortunately the different political parties are governing different province. So their opponents in each province and the supporters keep finding each other’s weaknesses and issues to let each other down.
In this universal, non-ending affiliation conflict, we should never forget that at the end we are one nation. By posting something on social media without complete awareness and facts, we may harm the image of our own country which could be damaging for all of us.
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